Welcome to the MMD Construction Health & Safety Information Webpage.
Construction Safety Week is an initiative of the CIF Safety and Health Subcommittee. The goal is to eliminate accidents at work and to drive continual improvement in safety and health performance. MMD Construction are delighted to participate in the week long event to celebrate best practice, and to reinforce and promote the importance of safety, health and overall wellbeing in work and in life.
Health & Safety Week Schedule
Friday 22nd October – Drive Safely
Tuesday 26th October – Mind your Health
Wednesday 27th October – Work Safe at Height
Thursday 28th October – Safe Lifting & Safe Plant
Friday 29th October – Managing Hazardous Energies
Contained below is important information which was communicated throughout the course of the week by our EHS Advisors;
Stop the Drop Leaflet;
Stress Booklet;
Anxiety Booklet;
Working Safely Around Plant;
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We look forward to hearing from you.